Flare Remedies
Hello beautiful souls,
First I want to say thank you for supporting me and subscribing for more tips on how to best cope with Endo and chronic illness. You are WORTH it, you are BEAUTIFUL and you are RESILIENT.
During a flare of endo it can be incredibly discouraging and emotionally draining to go through another flare. Maybe you felt like things were getting manageable or this is just the cherry on top of a month where you feel like you just can’t win. No matter the circumstances here are some methods to make the flare maybe just a little less miserable.
Begin Nesting -
Yes I know that’s a term for new mothers that go balls to the walls getting ready for there new child. Well, maybe we can take some pointers from them to make use more comfortable through our flare ups. Since flares can last hours to days.
You will want to get everything you might need to make your space comfortable while you are flaring. Medication, pillows, blankets, heating pad, crackers and something to keep your hydrated.
Find a place to make yourself as comfortable as possible where you can get rest. Bedroom, couch or guest room. Wherever you feel the most comfortable and can have space to yourself in a low stress environment. Most importantly where you feel safe and comforted.
2. Meds for the win -
Flares are no joke and we ALL know medication will be a need to help keep us out of the Hospital.
Make sure you have alarms set for the hours you’ll need to take your medication. It is very important to take your medication for pain as directed to stay on top of the pain the best you can.
Make sure to have the medication by you so you can reach it without having to get up. It can be hard to walk during this time so limiting movement until pain is manageable again is optimal.
If you are needing nausea medication or other prescriptions make sure to contact your doctor and have a safe person pick the prescriptions up for you.
3. Make arrangements for work or events for the following day.
trust me I know it can be really embarrassing to have to ask off work or for modifications because of a flare. In my experience it is best to let them know way ahead of time so they can have a game plan for the following day.
Don’t force yourself to attend events unless it is absolutely mandatory. Move around what you can and rest your body.
4. Inform your doctor.
inform your doctor of any new or worsening symptoms during your flare. They may be able to provide new ways to manage pain you did not know about. It is important to keep them up to date so they can document this in your chart. This helps with follow up appointments and for better communication. (You’re not being annoying I promise!)
5. Let your safe person(s) know you are in the middle of a flare.
People care for you and want to make sure you are okay. If you’re like me I get extremely fatigued when flaring. I will sleep for hours at a time which can really be concerning for others. You want to not only let people know you’re flaring for check ins but also emotional support. My boyfriend and mom know if I’m flaring at any time I might need assistance or be taken to the ER in severe cases.
I hope this guide can be helpful especially for those who have been recently diagnosed with endometriosis. If you want to read more about endo, connect with the community and follow my journey in life, make sure to subscribe!
I hope you feel better!