Who am I?

Hello welcome to my unique lifestyle,

I’m Reagan and recently graduated college and I work at a taekwondo studio. I have been diagnosed with endometriosis since I was 18. I have had 4 endometriosis surgeries and 1 surgery for my hip. 

I was diagnosed after a long stay at a hospital for intensive pain that caused me to throw up blood. I have always dealt with horrible cycles which I just thought was normal. Never second guessed that my pain was abnormal. My High School was full of doctors, hospitals and undiagnosable symptoms. I thought I just had IBS and would get over it as the years went on. I was bedridden most of my hospital and needed assistance walking. 

My life changed the day I got diagnosed on September 21st 2018. Finally I thought, “we have the answer!” Sometimes the answer opens doors to having so many questions about how this is going to affect me long term. 

I thought after my first surgery after the cyst and endo tissue was removed from my bowel, uterus (inside and outside), ovaries and stomach wall through ablation that I would at least be “cured" for 5 years. However, I was very wrong. 

2 months go by and I was prescribed birth control. This was probably the lowest I have felt during this time period. I had been bleeding for 3 months, in extreme pain, throwing up and feeling completely helpless. I went to see my doctor at the time where a life altering decision was made. 

On December 21st, 2018 I went into surgery for an inter vaginal surgery. This surgery was to be a total hysterectomy. I can’t freeze my eggs as the endo had penetrated so far into my ovaries none were salvageable. The surgery had complications where I contracted a candid fungal infection. After this surgery I felt cheated of life and a future. 

The years that followed I was at more than 5 ERs and hospitals. I was helpless and didn’t see the point in life. I struggled my way through the next year of college moving to a college that was closer to home so I could be taken care of by my family. 

While I had just started a job at the taekwondo studio I had fallen to the floor due to pain shooting through my body a couple days after my 21st birthday.  I was in the hospital for 3 days as they tried to control my pain and regulate my potassium. I was referred out to an endo specialist. 

I met Dr. John F. Dulemba who is a cutting edge Endo specialist. We went ahead with 2 surgeries where he removed more endometriosis tissue through excision where I actually almost died from anesthesia overdose (Shout out to Narcan). He does a method called a second look where 3 days after surgery he goes in again and cleans up any endo that was missed and cuts/removes adhesions. The surgery has a 20-30% chance of failing. Just like any surgery there is always a risk. 

I am currently planning to go through another 2 surgeries where he will implant amniotic tissue over areas that he uses excision to remove endometriosis and adhesions. 

Through my post you will learn more in-depth details of experiences and other medical details of what has happened through these surgeries before and after. Plus other medical conditions that have come to light. 

I will discuss what helps, new research, lifestyle, healthy habits, my day to day struggles and opening up for an open space to discuss hard topics. 

Welcome to my journey. I am so glad you are here!