Goal Setting With Chronic Illness
New year…Same Body
The new year can be hard for us spoonies. We see all the goal setting videos and the videos on how to lose weight to become your best self.
Some of these videos can make us feel very low about ourselves like we aren’t doing enough or we aren’t working hard enough.
Maybe we set goals that aren’t realistic for our bodies to fit the social pressure image. We don’t have the “body” the influencers and social media shows us. We can get into a negative spiral about ourselves and our bodies.
We don’t have to fit the narrative of the world. So how do we go into the new year without making it already feel impossible and not worth setting any goals?
Meet yourself where you are now
What I mean by this is to take note of how your body was this year. How many times did we have a flare? How many times were we Sick?
Now that we took account, what is one way can we improve our health? Is that taking a vitamin daily you’ve been putting off? Maybe it is as simple as setting a better medication regimen.
Set simple short and long term goals
When setting short term goals make sure this is something you can achieve within a couple weeks/months. Don’t make complex but something simple that is obtainable
When setting long term goals, have it follow suit to your short term goals. This allows for baby steps to the long term goal making it easier to achieve while fulfilling short term goals in the process
Separate goals into sections
For myself I do sections for short term, long term goals for my main objectives
For example I separate them out into categories.
Self improvement Goals
Mental health Goals
Financial Goals
Physical Goals
Spiritual Goals
Relationship Goals
I also write a couple Goals as bonus ones if I achieve is just a plus
Remember these goals are for your own growth. Stepping outside comfort zones and stepping into better self discovery.
You are going to make great strides and achieve some goals and others you might not, which is okay.
Give yourself grace. Give yourself some credit for even stepping into a new year having made it through the past year.
This isn’t a race or competition. Be kind to yourself and your body.
Having chronic illness is one of the most difficult things to live with and live through. However, we are still here and our impact and time here on the earth matters!
You got this! You can do it. We are in this together!
This is our Healing Era 2023
Xoxo beautiful souls