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Revolution Era 2024

Happy New year beautiful souls! I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Years! 

Since I was a little girl my family has made New Year’s resolutions a huge deal in my family. 

We write them all down and go one by one talking about why we picked this goal and what it means to us. 

I never believed in starting the resolutions in January but either before Christmas or in February to avoid the new year burn out. It is not for everyone but it is simply what helps me set a good and healthy routine.

This year I started my resolutions a week before the new year itself. I have to remind myself to give myself grace as everyday is not the same and life does happen. 

REMINDER- just because you fall short one day doesn’t mean you have failed. 

I heard this quote “Go to sleep and be ready for tomorrow as it’s a new day that has never been touched before.” 

It’s so inspiring to me as just because your day didn’t go how you wanted it doesn’t mean tomorrow will go the same. Everyday is what you make it! So make the best of it! 

I would love to bring you along my journey this year in my Revolution Era of 2024! A Transformation of the mind, body, spirit, and financial wellness of my life. 

Here are my Goals I have set this year for myself! 

Spiritual Goals ~

▫️Finish 6-week Bible study 

▫️5 minute prayer and praise journaling a day

Physical Goals ~

♦️ Try out Tracking Macros 

♦️ Increase water intake (3 full bottles a day) 

♦️ Work out 2 times a week for 6 weeks   then up to 3 times a week for 6 weeks 

Health Goals ~

⚕️Prioritize Sleep Routine 

⚕️Heal my gut health 

⚕️Stay consistent with vitamins for 3 months 

Financial Goals ~

💰By June have $3,000 in Savings account 

💰 By March have Care Credit Card down to $1,500 owed

💰 Put $50 into emergency fund every paycheck 

Work Goals ~ 

📎 Invest in a specialty 

📎 Start a side hustle 

Self Improvement Goals ~

🫶🏼Try a new event/class this year

🫶🏼 Spend 10 minutes outside a day 

🫶🏼 Read a book

🫶🏼 Become fluent in correct typing 

🫶🏼 Post one blog post a month 

🫶🏼 Achieve my 3rd degree Black Belt 

🫶🏼 Go on a solo trip 

🫶🏼 Treat my anxiety and PTSD

Big Long Term Goals ~

☑️ Move into an apartment 

☑️ Further Education Training 

☑️ Pay off all my medical debt 

☑️ Work towards a new car 

These goals have kept me motivated and focused on growth even through the days when everything may feel too hard. 

I challenge you to make your goals and set yourself up for success this year! Even when our bodies give out and our days are harder than most, I want you to look at these goals. 

Remind yourself you are more capable than you could ever think. You can do anything you set your mind to. No matter how hard things may get, remember to give yourself grace and be kind to yourself. 

Every accomplishment no matter how small is still a huge milestone in creating the life you eat for yourself.

You’re challenge ~ 

  • I challenge you to write 3 goals. Pick one goal and stay consistent with that goal for 1 month. Write it down, track your progress and be gracious with yourself. 

👇🏻Comment below! 👇🏻 

What is your goal and how are you going to stay consistent?