health Reagan Eldridge health Reagan Eldridge

Endometriosis Awareness Month 3/1/24

March is endometriosis awareness month. A in-depth testimony of the devastating impact of endometriosis and the medical bias experienced. No woman should feel alone or made to think they are crazy because a doctor can’t treat them properly. 

Today is March 1st. This is recognized as the start of endometriosis awareness month. 

As blessed as we are for a month of awareness this should not be the only time we are aware of the devastating effects of endometriosis. 

Endometriosis affects millions of women and their day to day lives. This disease is crippling and debilitating. Many women are taken to their knees literally from the pain caused by this disease. 

Endo has been shown to have the same amount if not greater than a heart attack. Now imagine having the pain of a heart attack but it never goes away. From the moment you wake up to the minute you close your eyes pain is dictating every second of your day. 

The pain is overwhelming. 

Endometriosis affects not only the reproductive system but is a whole body disease. Endometriosis tissue has been found on every organ in the body including the brain. 

Many women will suffer from devastating infertility, multiple surgeries, GI issues (constipation, vomiting, food intolerance, etc), neurological symptoms (migraines, double vision and nerve pain), horrific periods, ovulation and PMS. The list of symptoms is so dense and doesn’t even cover the emotional distress caused. 

1 in 9 women suffer in silence from endo with a minimum of 7-10 years before being properly diagnosed. There are no treatments that help endo and there is not a cure. 

We must do better as a society to stop minimizing and stereotyping women who are suffering from this brutal disease. 

Endo sufferers are also plagued with other diseases, many autoimmune due to the harsh disruption of the nervous system and the wear and tear on the body. 

This is unacceptable medical treatment of women let alone not good enough for the generation of little girls who unfortunately will suffer with endo. We must do better for them. We must find a cure. We will be heard.

 I will not sit in silence!!

Endometriosis is not just a “bad” period. 

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